Oakhurst Community Primary School

School Uniform

We believe that children should take pride in their appearance as well as in the work that they produce whilst at school.

We therefore have high expectations in terms of the uniform the children wear and their general appearance. Pupils are able to wear branded and unbranded uniform. We also anticipate a high level of cooperation from parents and carers whilst enforcing this policy.

The Oakhurst uniform consists of:

White polo (with or without the school logo)
Purple sweatshirt, cardigan, or fleece with or without the school logo

Black shorts or trousers
Black skirt, trousers, or pinafore (no leggings or skinny jeans – all tights should be black or white)

Black shorts

Purple summer dress
Black shoes – no trainers

Essential Playtime Uniform

Wellies and Waterproof coat (to stay in school every day so that children can access all areas in all weather and get the most out of their experience)


Waterproof trousers 

Change of clothes 

Physical education

PE kits should be worn to school on the day your child has PE.
Black shorts/tracksuit bottoms
White t-shirt.

Purple school jumper/cardigan.
All earrings must be covered up and hair tied back.
Please inform us if you have any queries about this.


Please do not send children to school wearing jewellery. Only small studs are acceptable.


In the interests of safety hair longer than shoulder length will need tying back for P.E. It is a good idea to keep long hair tied back generally when in school, as pupils often perform practical tasks during lessons. The school expects all children to have tidy hair, the style of which should not impede their learning. 


How to purchase school uniform

Whilst it is not a requirement to have the logo on our school uniform, if you would like to we have a few suppliers who we work with.

Brand, Promo & Merch

Please use the link below to order from Brand, Promo & Merch. 

Brand, Promo & Merch

PMG Schoolwear 

Please use the link below to order from PMG School Wear

PMG Schoolwear